Mudlet and Carrion Fields on Steam

Mudlet and Carrion Fields have joined forces to bring MUDding to the Steam desktop. Carrion Fields has been a dominating MUD ever since it’s inception over 30 years ago. With a slick user interface developed in Mudlet’s very own Geyser it is now taking...

4.18 – New Release

Over a year in making the most advanced mud client even more powerful there have been 26 new features added, 67 improvements, 65 bug fixes and 148 behind the scenes infrastructure changes so we can keep making Mudlet your number one choice. The Mudlet development team...

Mudlet Maps On Your Game Website

Gone are the days of static JPEG maps on your game’s website. Create dynamic, beautiful and fully explorable maps directly from your Mudlet map.dat file. Originally designed for Arkadia, fellow GitHub user Delwing has unbranded and released an outstanding new...

Elevate Your Players Experience With Mudlet

Want your MUD to be compatible with the most modern MUD client available? Implementing some basic telnet sub-option negotiation can elevate your players’ experience to the next level. Read on for some suggestions and a sneak peek into a new feature available... is publicly available

A breakdown of some interesting statistics in the world of Mudlet. MUD gamers of the world unite. In a true sense of open data and free information, Mudlet’s Project Leader Vadim Peretokin would like to announce the availability of statistical data on...